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Reliability Engineer-in-Training

Meet Ryan Beztilny

About four years ago, Ryan started with SMS Equipment as a labourer in Acheson. At the time, it wasn’t a long-term career move but more of a strategic way to get his foot in the door.

“I already had my engineering degree, so taking this labourer position was my opportunity to get in with the company,” says Ryan. He knew he would be pushing to move into an engineering-specific role, and this was his way to act on his goals as soon as possible.

“Our company exists for one reason — the customer. After all, we’re in the service industry. It’s our job. We aim to be the best at it here in Canada and perhaps in the world.”

Let’s Get Technical

After about ten months at the job, Ryan met with the engineering manager in Reman and shifted into his current role. The name of the game? Working with heavy-duty equipment and solving problems.

“Detailed, complex technical work is what we’re all about,” says Ryan. “From working with Komatsu’s team to customers to other branches to internal problem solving—the best part is when we’re able to design a solution.”

He considers this collaboration a significant highlight of his job. “I get to see and work with so many different areas of the company, including different tradespeople with all different backgrounds. It’s one of the coolest parts of what I do.”

While a good portion of the work is routine and expected, Ryan is grateful that there’s always something new coming at his team. “It can be an unexpected failure or a safety component that we need to improve on—but I can always find a new challenge to dive into and solve.”

Culture, Connected

Family is important to SMS Equipment, and Ryan says it shows. “They encourage our interests and the life we live outside of work,” he says. “When something comes up, we feel well informed. There are lots of support services; programs to keep you active, and even mental health resources. That healthy balance has been a focus here since I started.”

Success: The Sum of Small Efforts

Ryan is always proud to solve problems as part of the team. “It’s the seemingly little things— improving processes and boosting the team’s flow—that I consider our greatest accomplishments. Our team is open to questions and ready to help. In Reman, that’s our goal. To have a consistent flow of progress. We’re systematic and consistent. We aim for no surprises as much as possible. Those are our biggest wins!”

Ryan admits that his growth as a communicator was something he would’ve never expected from an engineering role. “Having to work with branches, customers and even internal stakeholders — it’s not how technical my answer can be that matters; it’s how well I can explain the information to someone who may know little about the subject.” It’s a skill Ryan will will always take with him from now on.

No Ego, Just Engineering

“I look up to my manager, Cory Pawl,” says Ryan. “He has such a willingness to work with everyone. As engineers, a stereotype can be placed on us — that we’re overconfident know-it-alls. But Cory is the opposite of that. He’s so ready to understand everyone’s point of view, and despite so much experience, he still has such an openness to learn. Plus, he is brilliant!”

Like his role model Cory, Ryan plans to keep growing and learning. “Pushing new opportunities in terms of design work is my immediate goal. I’m happy where I am now. Most of all, I’m happy that I’m always learning.”

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