RTMI is a forestry company in Eastern Canada that operates over 30 machines.
RTMI continuously updates and adds to its fleet, aiming for new equipment every two years, reducing the requirement for subcontractors. New equipment provides comfort and support for employees, increasing satisfaction and decreasing fatigue.
RTMI’s employees appreciate working with equipment that enables them to do their job effectively, and with comfort. Watch the video for a tour through RTMI’s fleet. It’s a mix of technology showcasing a mix of technology in use.
Komatsu equipment RTMI employees work with every day includes:
C144 harvesting head
Service and Support
When there are challenges in the field, SMS Equipment and Komatsu step up. “Breakdowns do occur,” says Alain. “It’s all about the support you get when you do breakdown, and SMS Komatsu in Timmins has provided us the quick service we need to get the machines up and running again.”
Josh Lalonde, Service Supervisor at RTMI says, “When something breaks, it’s usually my problem to take care of it as soon as I can. Also, the KOMTRAX and Maxifleet systems help us. I can be sitting at my desk in the office of my shop and I can be relating the problems through my laptop.”
What’s next?
For Alain, quality employees are key for future success. His son, Jordan Legros, has been learning the industry since he was 14. He is attending forestry school to follow in his father’s footsteps and take on more responsibility.
The right partnerships are equally as important. Alain says, “So, our vision with RTMI is to continue growing.” He notes, “we have to surround ourselves with the right partners, and that includes SMS Equipment, Komatsu and … our customer.”